CEO & Designer

young girl with a parasol next to her lemonade stand


19 year-old Elle Mannion has always been an artist, innovator, and entrepreneur. Looking back, she recounts moments of what, at the time, seemed like childhood play that in actuality were the stepping stones that shaped her path to pursue entrepreneurship in adulthood. Her elementary years were spent operating Miss E's Lemonade, for which she designed her own logo, storefront, and hired neighbors as diligent employees. Elle's mother (and fellow entrepreneur), Jennifer Mannion, says that she "always knew" her daughter was meant for an out-of-the-box way of life, but allowed her to "discover her path on her own;" which Elle says she is grateful for today.

blonde girl in high school graduation outfit standing outside

In Progress

After graduating from Francis Howell High School in June of 2023, Elle is now a first-year student at the University of Miami pursuing a BBA in Entrepreneurship at the Miami Herbert Business School. Elle has been a Hurricane at heart since her sophomore year of high school. She had her sights set on becoming part of Orange Umbrella, the University's student-run consulting agency, on becoming a Trainer for UPup, a student organization partnered with Canine Companions and Southeastern Guide Dogs to train puppies on their path to becoming assistance dogs, and on finding every possible way to make waves around campus. Elle now spirits her deep-rooted 'Cane pride on campus as she lives out those dreams in just her first semester! On par for the ambitious learner she is, Elle is on track to graduate an entire year early in May of 2026, following which she plans to immerse herself in pursuing the multitude of aspirations she has for the future.

blonde girl wearing green smiling near pink flowers

What's Becoming

Elle has several aspirations for her future endeavors. She plans to maximize her personal and professional portfolio by becoming the most well-rounded possible. In addition to becoming a self-made CEO, Elle aspires to become a published author and artist, travel the world, and one day host speaking and workshop opportunities for likeminded entrepreneurs. Elle also holds deep value in giving back to the people and places that have contributed to her success. She hopes to return to Orange Umbrella, the University of Miami, and the St. Charles County CAPS Program as a mentor and guest speaker. Furthermore, Elle hopes to create a 501-c3 for the protection and admiration of butterflies, as they are very dear to her heart in many ways.

girl in graduation outfit standing outside with her family

Special Thanks

"Thank you to my Mom, Dad, and Brother for being my support and foundation, and for creating an environment that allowed me to express creativity and self-efficacy my whole life. Thank you to my elementary school teachers for acknowledging and fostering my creative mind and leadership skills. Thank you to Dr. Dan Tripp, Dr. Erica Land, and the 2023 Global Business & Entrepreneurship CAPS Associates for giving me the environment I needed to kickstart my journey, and for being the greatest choice of my developmental education. Thank you to Mr. Brad Dempsey for taking the time to mentor and inspire me during my time in CAPS. Thank you to Ms. Angel Magasano for showing me a community of elevated women who empower and support each other always, and for being an example of what a CEO should be. Thank you to Mrs. Nadine Freedline for being my very first Audacious Bliss customer, and for introducing me to DECA, which was the highlight of my senior year and showed me that I was capable of success. Thank you to my #BlissBabes for enthusiastically backing the Audacious Bliss brand from the very beginning. Thank you to Ms. MJ Barnes for being a mentor, friend, and light in my life that inspires me every day. Thank you to Orange Umbrella for being all that I dreamed and more, our community is unique and unshakeable. Thank you to Ms. Trishelle Leacock for sharing with me some of the most valuable information I have ever learned, and for offering your experiences as a continuing resource to me. The pieces that all of you have given me are what I will use to continue learning and building my success. Thank you! — Sincerely, Elle."